Jan 29, 2009 07:27
Political question:
So, I saw in the WSJ about this massive "stimulus package" that's going out. Complete with tax cuts. But all the WSJ really covered was the lobbyist infighting over who's getting which portion of the money.
Now, since there are tax cuts included, I have to wonder -- Where is this money coming from? It this foreign debt that we're going to have to pay off later (thus increasing the national debt another couple of hundred million)? Is it just going to be printed on Presidential order (a la Argentina)? Are taxes going to go up and then be cut?
Yes, yes. We know that I heavily disapprove of all of these things (and also of this thing that sounds like The New Deal mixed with extra bureaucracy), but that's not what I want to discuss here. You already know that. I just want to know where the money is coming from!
Some Obama lover who's following the news heavily can probably tell me. So, f-list, information please?