I love my parents.
Tonight, I called my dad in a panic because my internet wasn't working. (This is reasonable because he set up my router with something he got at Fry's, and suddenly my browser demanded a password and I was like, "ummm . . . I wonder what it is?")
After collaborating to solve this problem via phone, we devolved into what phones (if any) can compete with the iPhone. This took detours through fun websites like
The Gadgeteer and (my current favorite)
geeksugar, but was mostly techno-geekery. I may not be a real geek (sadly), but I can hold my own in discussions that are half about gadgets and half about business planning.
So, now, 1 hour later, I don't really have time to use my newly activated internet nor watch the rerun of SG:Atlantis that I'm nine minutes into. But I did have an awesome time talking to my dad.
Also, I washed down all the surfaces in my bathroom and am trying a new toilet disinfectant thingie in place of those blue bleach things you stick in your tank. I'll let you know more about it later.