I attract strange men, as usual

Feb 15, 2007 21:02

I totally got hit on / stalked by a guy in a white F150 yesterday. [Why do these things happen to me?] Somewhere in mile 5 (of 6, my car's in the shop) of my walk yesterday, this guy pulls over to the curb and asks if I want a ride. I politely say "no, thank you" and kept walking.

Then he pulls into the next side street and watches me in his side mirror. When I pass, he tells me that I look good. Ummm, thanks. [I said "thanks" and kept walking.]

Now at this point, we've got "weird but flattering" going on. And, since he'd pulled over in front of tea shop, honestly? if he'd said something non-threatening like "I've only got 15 minutes, but would
you like to get a cup of tea?", I'd probably have said "sure".

But no.

So I keep walking. And when I get to the stop light a block away (how did he time this?), there's the guy. We smile at each other, and I cross to where there's a crazy man beating up the air and talking gibberish to his hobo-knapsack b/c he's less threatening.

So I keep walking. About a half mile later, the guy in the F150 passes me (how slow is he driving? pulling over periodically?) to circle a short block so that, again, I have to cross in front of him. [I
smile, wave, and cross behind b/c I actually want to be in the parking lot he was pulling out of.]

Dude! What's up with that? Twice was "weird, but flattering". Three or four times? Overkill into creepy!

Going to the supermarket was way more exciting. I had to buy stuff to make decadent chocolate brownies b/c I went to a "singles" Valentine's day dinner. Totally fun. Great people, food, a bottle of wine apiece, some board games (and a round of "I Never", which is still fun in small doses -- I totally forgive every contrived fanfic author ever who uses "I Never" as a plot device), and some new LJ friends. Perfection.

Woke up with a serious hang over though. Note to self: bottle of wine (even at magically increased alcohol tolerance levels) = badness.

party, men, friends, long beach

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