I think the guy said he was "prepared" to sit there "a long time" or "all night" or "forever," or whatever he said-- I don't have the stomach to rewind that mess and watch it again to see... But anyway, that leads me to believe he probably refused to leave the building at the end of the day as a protest, and that is why he was arrested.
I don't have a problem with the fact that he got arrested-- you can't have some agitated guy hanging around a school building all day and all night. You don't know what he might do with his passionate sense of being "right."
And yeah-- I saw another pro-Prop-8 YouTube that was a lot more subtle but no less sickening. It was a little cartoon ditty about this "normal" family (mommy, daddy, 2 kids, and a dog) that lived next door to a same sex (male) couple. It went on and on about how they were such great neighbors, did each other favors, the gay guys watched the straight family's dog while they went on vacation... then the straight mommy and daddy heard about prop 8. They were confused and unsure about how to vote... THEN they did some "research" (on the Internet, natch!) and found out that, hey-- there was already a domestic partnership statute on the books in CA that gave same sex couples "the same rights" as married couples. And also, Str8 Mommy talked on the phone with her cousin in Massachusetts, who told her that her child was being taught in public schools that homosexuality is OK.. and... *normal* (*gasp of horror*) and that she wasn't even being given the right to know in advance on what day and in what class these monstrous ideas were going to be discussed! And it was ALL BECAUSE gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts!!!
Soooooo... Str8 Mommy and Str8 Daddy decided that they would vote YES on prop 8... but they were still great buddies with their gay neighbors. In fact, they were out having a barbecue with them right now.
"They're NOT normal!" they hissed into their children's ears as the neighbor guys went back into their house to get the ketchup and refill the lemonade pitcher. "They're going to BURN, DO YOU HEAR ME? BURN! Just like those glowing briquettes under your hamburgers!!!"
"Oh! You're back already! That was fast... More lemonade? Why yes, dears, I'd love some!"
I don't have a problem with the fact that he got arrested-- you can't have some agitated guy hanging around a school building all day and all night. You don't know what he might do with his passionate sense of being "right."
And yeah-- I saw another pro-Prop-8 YouTube that was a lot more subtle but no less sickening. It was a little cartoon ditty about this "normal" family (mommy, daddy, 2 kids, and a dog) that lived next door to a same sex (male) couple. It went on and on about how they were such great neighbors, did each other favors, the gay guys watched the straight family's dog while they went on vacation... then the straight mommy and daddy heard about prop 8. They were confused and unsure about how to vote... THEN they did some "research" (on the Internet, natch!) and found out that, hey-- there was already a domestic partnership statute on the books in CA that gave same sex couples "the same rights" as married couples. And also, Str8 Mommy talked on the phone with her cousin in Massachusetts, who told her that her child was being taught in public schools that homosexuality is OK.. and... *normal* (*gasp of horror*) and that she wasn't even being given the right to know in advance on what day and in what class these monstrous ideas were going to be discussed! And it was ALL BECAUSE gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts!!!
Soooooo... Str8 Mommy and Str8 Daddy decided that they would vote YES on prop 8... but they were still great buddies with their gay neighbors. In fact, they were out having a barbecue with them right now.
"They're NOT normal!" they hissed into their children's ears as the neighbor guys went back into their house to get the ketchup and refill the lemonade pitcher. "They're going to BURN, DO YOU HEAR ME? BURN! Just like those glowing briquettes under your hamburgers!!!"
"Oh! You're back already! That was fast... More lemonade? Why yes, dears, I'd love some!"
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