Flying the Friendly Skies

Jan 21, 2011 11:44

Forcing a weary smile, I stepped on to the connecting flight from Taipei to Densapar with a resolve to grit my teeth and get through another 5 hours of mild discomfort. Seat ticket handed to the attendant and handed back with a polite gesture to take the stairs upward. This rekindled the excitement of just stepping on the airplane 16 hours prior. The adventure of sitting in a new area previously unseen was enough to make this leg seem like a new beginning to an adventure. Expecting to find row after row of cramped seats like below, but with the allure of it being higher, there was a moment of confusion then delight as we realized that we had the inexplicable fortune to be bumped up to business class seats. Stay calm.

Frenzy of pictures ensued. There was mild embarassment at the gaucheness of being so excited mixed with curious eagerness. First time is still first time and others be damned, except that niggling voice that said, "just stay cool like this is where you always sit." Dual thoughs warred: Sleep now because it'll likely be the most comfortable airplane sleep you'll ever get./Stay awake and so you'll be able to sleep tonight (and you'll be able to savor this flight in concsiousness). So I stayed up.

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