Pretending to Vacation

Jan 20, 2011 17:27

I am currently in the Taipei airport awaiting my connecting flight to Bali.  I am to vacation in Bali for the next 8 days and 7 nights.  I will visit the appropriate sights and dutifully photograph with as much artistry as possible.  I will eat local delights or whatever happens to arrive on my plate with as little knowledge of what I will be getting as I currently have.  I will lounge poolside and snorkle oceanside.  Boxes checked off and expectations (hopefully) satisfied.

...then I will arrive in Singapore where I will throw myself into the Super Junior SS3 concert on 1/29/11.  Mission will be accomplished.  I can't wait.

What is the worth of an entire culture and new landscape when compared to the lure of manufactured brotherhood and beauty?  It is, embarassingly, not equivalent.

They are calling to board now...
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