
Jul 31, 2008 00:16

new things in my life:
  • favorite community: natural living on lj
  • slowly making the change to OCM. i haven't had the chance to buy castor oil yet, so i'm making the change in steps. i've been washing my face with just water the past week or so..i soak a washcloth in hot water and squeeze out the excess, and lay the washcloth over my face until it cools. repeat 2 more times, then rinse off with cool water. i've already noticed the difference! :D
  • i've also stopped using shampoo and conditioner. yuck. instead i've been using a baking soda, then apple cider vinegar rinse every few days.
  • i waxed my legs today! or rather, i should say, my mom did. i couldn't bear to tear off the strips myself lol. i used nad's strips that were on sale at walmart...they were great! as for the actual waxing felt the way you would imagine ripping off your leg hair would feel. yeouch. the after wipe numbing stuff is just wearing off, my legs are feeling pretty battered. it probably doesn't help that i spent yesterday night on my hands and knees magic erasing the entire kitchen floor though.


  • new clothes! i got a tunicy short sleeve turtle neck top at walmart in black, and a white polka dotted short sleeve turtle neck shirt. they're so cute!
  • more kitchen stufffff...i love goodwill :).
  • going home tomorrow or the day after for a TWO WEEK VACATION woooo!!! i'm so happy i'm off from work, i'll finally get to have my summer :D. no pressure!
  • chris is moved out :(. yes yes it had to happen eventually...but i miss him! it's hard to go from living in the same apartment to being 2 hours away from each other. gah.
  • a messy room! oh wait, sorry, that's not new. ugh.

with that said, time to tidy up a bit more, pretend like i'm packing, then sleeeeeep.

vacation, apartment, natural living, hair removal, summer, chris, ouch, shopping, list

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