Jul 17, 2008 11:56
today is perfect beach weather! and yet i'm stuck in this office all day :(. of course, it's better than working in the basement so i shouldn't complain too much - at least i have windows now!
oh, someone just walked by with coffee. mmmmmmm........
anyway. hmmm. chris applied for a job at rpi, so i'm crossing my fingers for him, because i think that'd be pretty awesome. sheesh, i'm not in much of a blogging mood right now i don't think. my mind is all scattered.
i'm going home tonight (just in time to NOT go to the beach of course!!), but i'm really excited to just be home for a little, and sit by the pool, see the kitties, relax, etc :). i miss home!! especially since campus is empty during the summer with nothing to distract me, i get lonely pretty easily so it's weird not having my mom/friends only a shout or phone call away, and it's weird not to be making plans every morning to go to the beach, or watch movies at whoever's house, or just hang out. i miss that. last summer we didn't start hanging out until riiight before i had to leave for SO advising, so i felt like that was cut short too, although i had a few weeks when i got back. i don't like working full time in the summer, is what i think i'm getting around to saying :P.
so i wanted to write about last weekend, which was AMAZING. i think i'll type that up after this.
OH! chris and i were planning on going to see the dark knight last night at midnight (this morning?), at colonie since they're showing an early screening. BUTTT it was 11, and time to leave, and we realized we are old and fogie-ish and way too tired to last through that and still enjoy it :(. oh well, there's always this weekend!
dark knight,