May 06, 2013 16:01
Today I bound my chest again, and this time I could style my hair in a masculine way as well. I'm also wearing a gender-neutral t-shirt. Unfortunately I only have 'girl' pants. The next step will be to get some button up shirts, and some more t-shirts that are masculine so I can layer up and see how that works out, as well as some 'guy' pants. It's probably for the best that I can't do all that right now though, since it's summer, and this is Florida.
I can't bind very tight, partly because I don't want to injure myself, and partly because I literally can not seem to get my make-shift binder any tighter while still being able to get it on. I refuse to even consider Ace bandages. Those things will really mess you up. Eventually I want to get a real binder. This is all happening so fast, but I feel good like this, so why not?
If I'm honest with myself, I still don't really look male. I look somewhere between little boy, and masculine girl. I probably wouldn't be able to 'pass' as male out in the streets. I haven't tried. I've mostly stayed inside today. Not because I don't want to be outside, but because I don't really have anywhere to go, and don't want to just walk around outside for no reason. Okay, so I kind of do want to walk around outside for no reason, but the problem is that I didn't think about this being Florida when I made my binder. I made it black, which means I also have to wear black over it, and these layers of black are rather hot. I'm also just a little bit afraid of my binder slipping.