Aug 16, 2006 18:18
I hate doctors. I know I've said it before but I really do. The idiots now want to send me up to Pittsburgh to have my heart looked at and stay in observation for a few weeks! Weeks, I ask you.
I ahve no desire whatsoever to stay in a hospital for two weeks, being poked, prodded, cut up, and tested in a city that's hundreds of miles away from my home. Thank you no!
Especially with doctors and nurses who don't know me, and long stints in recovery rooms with no TV, no music, no books, no pencil and paper, or anything wherewith I can entertain myself, while doctor's discreetly watch through one-way glass to make sure all goes well.
Now, I'd love to visit Pittsburgh, but not under those conditions. I'd like to go up, maybe see Laura and the rest of my friends who live near there, but just to be poked and prodded by some specialist? No sodding way!
My medical team (dunderheads that they are) can just kiss my lucky irish arse.
Sod them.