Title: Just A Dance
Author: Calypso
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Prompt: #040 Dance
Word Count: 313
Author's Notes: It’s just a dance at the Bronze. There’s nothing more to it, really.
It was just a dance, really. There was nothing else behind it but to have a little fun at a club with a friend. It didn’t matter that it had never even crossed Buffy’s mind to dance with Willow or any of her girlfriends from her old school.
It was just a dance; she wasn’t craning her neck to see the expression on Faith’s face at odd times, or moving a bit more seductively to the throbbing music at the Bronze. Absolutely not. Buffy was far too boy-crazy to be doing that, there was Angel, after all.
There was nothing strange about a girl noticing, or even admiring, the way material clung to another girl’s curves, or watching small beads of sweat forming Faith’s midriff and the way the flashing lights coloured them like some odd spectrum of possibility.
Because there was absolutely no possibility. She was a girl. She was a Slayer. And the other girl, with whom she was dancing, was Faith, a new friend and a fellow Slayer. There was no chance. None. No matter how much she wanted it (and she didn’t) the brunette Slayer wouldn’t think the same things that she was thinking.
There was no way Faith wanted to maneuver her from the crush of people to a dark, desolate corner, away from the prying eyes of the crowd. There was no way that Faith was thinking, fantasizing, about pushing her up against a wall and kissing her in time to the grinding music, their battle-lean bodies pressed together, toned muscle against toned muscle…
It was just a dance, and that’s exactly what she told Willow that night. Just a dance, nothing more. There was no desire, no tension between the chosen two. That was ridiculous. No matter how badly Buffy wanted it in the secret, dark crevices of her mind, and oh did she want it.