Sep 29, 2006 23:16
Many months ago, I was at one of those York is U kiosks in which they have activities and give out loot bags. The loot bags primarily consist of random junk; nothing memorable enough to remember in the long run. There is one thing I did save, however. It is a quote on a piece of paper:
Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Don't give up and don't give in.
- Wanda Carter
While it may sound cheezy, it is something I wish not to forget and it is a reminder of the life I wish to live. Sometimes the most random things make the most sense, even if they're not directed towards a specific person.
Cynicism gets you nowhere &mdash that's one thing I've learned since I graduated from high school. I've heard it from my mom on many occasions, and she's dead right.
Enough rambling for a Friday night.