May 21, 2006 12:56
Lately there was a dark spot on each and every picture I took. It was slightly lens-dependent, but I've cleaned them all and nothing changed. Looked inside the camera, at the mirror. No. Nothing. But that wouldn't have done anything to the photos anyway. Then I adjusted 30s exposure time to look behind the shutter and there it was: a big black spot on the chip. Stupid me went in with a finger to take it away. Yeah, fingerprints on the chip... :-(((
Breathing into it wasnt the best idea either. The whole chip became clouded and it didn't vanish.
Aaaaaaaah! Panik! But after a while the blur slowly disappeared and I took some cotton buds to carefully clean away my fingerprint. I hope, I got all the fibres out again. But at least the pictures look much cleaner now than before... Puuh!