Sep 23, 2005 22:40
Well long extended vacation came to an end. I KNEW it was to good to last! I joined the ranks of the "working class" again this past Wednesday! I am now an "Auditor"! Yep.....they are letting ME look at numbers! LOL! After 3 whole days of work....I'm glad it's FRIDAY! It's actually a pretty good gig! Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m......and I do mean 5:00 p.m.! Not 5:01!!!!! You better not be blocking that door at quitting time or you WILL be RUN OVER! When it's time to go those people charge that door! LOL! I've never had a job where you left at your scheduled quitting time. It's a very quiet office. can even wear jeans and sandals! Although it's very casual dress I must say it's about the most professional place I've ever worked. It's ALL BUSINESS during work hours. Haven't seen any backstabbing, crybabies, complainers......must say I like that! We audit the daily books and paperwork for money lenders and loan companies. Not a bad gig if you can get it! I'm gonna hate to quit! Yep....I said quit! It seems that David and I ARE going to be able to move back home! The plan is after the first of the year. My dad has told his renters they have to be out by then and we can move in! I had applied for this position BEFORE I knew we were going to move and then.....when they called me.....heck.....I NEED MOVING MONEY! Of course, I didn't tell THEM that I'd be leaving in a few months......I'm NOT THAT DUMB! But, I'll give them 100% while I'm there.
Now, since I haven't updated in a LONG time....let me catch you up.......
I FINALLY finished the frog quilt for Amy's baby (which was born in May!). I finished it last week......just a little late! Since it was so late....I even made little Brant a material "frog" book......from the left over material in his it matches! Heck....while I was at it, I made "little man", a.k.a. Mason a truck book (his is cuter!).
I finally finished painting my "hot rod shop" for my Christmas village. It turned out GREAT! Wish I could show you all....I'm real proud of it.....
David is back on the road......he gets home about every 2 weeks. I really miss him. I'm hoping that when we move he'll get a job where he can be home everyday.
As you all know, we made it through hurricane Katrina just fine. Didn't even lose our electric!
Hmmm.......I'm thinking......which isn't easy at this moment! I went back home for Mason's christening in June. That was great! Got to see all the family and especially the babies! They have grown so much! Kaleigh is a heart stealer! She took to me right off this time! Even Kaya was talkative. She's usually very shy around me until it's just about time for me to leave! Mason is talking some....tattle tailing is more like it! He even uses sign language (NO....not the bad kind! REAL sign language!)
I finally got to meet Cadie bug (my niece's daughter). Of course.....she was teething while I was there so she was VERY moody! Figures! But, I check out her webpages to see how she is growing all the time....wanna see her? check them a page gets full....use the next number....
Last time I checked she was up to 6! The larger the number the newer the pics.
On page 6 there are some great shots of Assateague Island with the wild ponies! If nothing else....check them out! They are the ponies that run wild on the beach and then once a year they have an old fashioned round up and have the vet check them out. Some are auctioned off....the rest are swam back over to the island and run free for another year.
Well, I really can't think of much else I've been doing.......pretty boring huh? LOL! Well, I'm sure I'll have more to say from now on least for awile!
Love to all!