I got a Catholic block. Do you like to fuck?

Jul 19, 2004 04:45

You see that standard emotion bit there?
It says Current Mood: Drifting
What the fuck does that mean?
I spent most of my day playing frisbee.
Two separate games. I now sort of realize that I could play frisbee for the rest of my life. It's nice to have a constant thing.
Frisbee will always be there. Music will always be there. Pretty dependable shit. Is anyone else as lucky as I am? To have these things in their life?

I met a really friendly guy today. He's a cousin of a friend of mine. He's going to be a sophomore at Oberlin.
Everyone I met when I visited there was friendly. I am so excited to go there.
I wish friendliness was a constant thing. Maybe it is... It's certainly prevalent, but I always seem to want more.

Drifting drifting...

I'm actually in a pretty cool emotional state right now. I suppose it's simply 'drifting', but I'll try and elaborate.
You know how sometimes you just feel really angsty about love, life, school, whatever? Well this is really the inverse. It's sort of like I feel I should be really emo...I should be fretting over some girl...I should be worrying about something, but I'm not. Like, if I wrote "God, life sucks sometimes," I would just be a poser...whatever that is.

Hey, if you've ever wanted to try Linux, now is the time. Head on over to Vector Linux and download the 4.0 live cd. Burn and boot that .iso, and you're running linux, without having to install anything or mess up your existing operating system. Technology sure is something...


I also saw an old childhood friend today. She's twenty one and drives a real fast car. It's an odd experience, I guess. Has she changed? Have I changed? I think we acted like pretty good friends by the end of the night. She's a really great person. Reminds me a bit of you, actually, which is a good thing.

A Bob Marley video is playing now on M.T.V. I fucking love this world.
I want to love you. I want to love and treat you right. I want to love you every day and every night.
We'll be together with a roof right over our heads. We'll share the shelter of my single bed.
I really like song lyrics. Here's some more.

Stretch me to the point where I stop.
Run ten thousand miles and then think of me.
I think you know the place we should meet.
Don't worry if it's dark and I'm late.

The fuck does that mean? Is that a love song? Oh well.

I'm keeping my commission to faith's transmission.
Two speakers dream the same and skies turn red.
Satellites flashing down orchard and delancey.
I can't get laid cuz everyone is dead.
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