May 28, 2012 16:54
Did some shopping this weekend. I was down to 1 pair of black pants that actually fit. Also needed groceries and meds and such. I needed to take the cheesecake brownies to Shelly so while I was out in the valley I went to walmart (always seems to take forever no matter how much I say "I am just grabbing this and going...") and I swung by Uncle Rod's and gave him the printer I have been toting around in the car for weeks.
Went and saw Dark Shadows with Rose and the family. I was thoroughly entertained. The movie took quite a few liberties, but it was just plain fun. A typical Depp-Burton collaboration :- Although, I have to say, Ben Cross was a sexier Barnabas (gasp! yes, I know, it's Johnny but Ben Cross is yummy too!)
Been working on Imperium too. Tweaking the outline and beginning the rather daunting task of reworking all the scenes in light of the changes I made to how I am unfolding the plot and the changes I made to Savia. CoS is in on hold right now because Andrea has a massive project due at work, but I figure that just means I might get this rewrite done finally :)
And I *finally* got my closet done! Proud of myself. Not only did I do it all on my own- it's even level and so far hasn't come crashing down on my head! LOL Also got some cleaning done. I was running behind so I just dropped all my shopping bags on the floor and I decided to clean my car out and I just tossed all the crap in the living room so I can go through it.
I got some yard work done. I pulled some weeds and I got the plastic and bark put down on the front strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street. Uncle Rod and Jill are going to help me tame the backyard and my neighbor across the street offered to help with my front strip (it needs a border of some kind because it looks incomplete). She also knows someone who can probably make a second turtle bench! I totally want one for the front and it turns out she is a turtle lover too and she wants one.
Now, if not for the fact that if I run the water the basement floods (Uncle Rod is being kind enough to see if he can rent an industrial strength snake or the best price for a plumber as he can talk intelligently to them and all I know is it's flooding the basement if I turn the water on) I would call it a lovely holiday weekend :)~