For those of you who are interested in this sort of thing , the research of Professor Robert Altemeyer was used by John Dean (Nixon's White House counsel) when researching his book Conservatives Without Conscience. At Dean's urging Altemeyer wrote a book for laymen on his 40 or so years of study of authoritarianism and has made it freely
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I have a much longer post about my opinions of Palin (and you can take it as read that I am less then impressed by her, and of course I already opposed McCain). But this excerpt from her interview with Katie Couric just leaves me blinking in disbelief
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Somewhat surprisingly, I saw this first on as one of their ‘most popular links’ but it is also showing up elsewhere on my friends list
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From freespeechzone comes this fascinating link to a dissertation titled How Biblical is the Christian Right? by Margaret M. Mitchell, Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago