they've found me!

Jun 09, 2008 08:34


So I sit down to read my f-list, and I've got a friend who is writing a most excellent fic. I get my morning cup of coffee, and I'm visiting in a chatroom during one of the few times of the day that I can chat with my friends in North America. A perfect morning, got my coffee, an interesting visit, and a great fic.

My eight year old gets up. She doesn't get dressed or get her breakfast. She grabs the children's laptop and gets on an instant messenger and starts sending me random smilie faces. Then she starts asking questions, "Are you talking to someone else?"

"Yes, I am dear."


So this continues and I tell myself, it's good for her spelling, even if it's cramping my escape into my computer. Then my husband instant messages me from work. An e-mail address for someone we know failed. "Do I have another?" -No.


"Are we going to go see that couple in the Negev this weekend?" - We didn't pick a date. I won't be able to call them until tomorrow.

This goes on...

I give up. My coffee is cold. I didn't get to read the fic, and my friends who were awake in chat have gone to bed. So much for my brief escape. So much for the pleasant nature of non-demanding text conversations. They've found me! They've infiltrated my little world.

(On top of that: I've got the same tiny mosquito buzzing my head for days!)


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