Jan 08, 2007 22:19
I got a shiny new laptop this weekend and I've just set it up to connect to the internet si I'm typing this on it as my first laptop entry! :) Now I've got my main computer, plus this one. The only problem is I don't have wireless so I have to share the internet cable between my computer and laptop. Still never mind!
The keyboard on this laptop is a lot easier to type on than I expected. I can type almost as fast as on my computer which is good.
Talking of new things I got some new contact lenses on Thursday and now I can actually see things clearly when they're more than a few feet away from me. It's amazing how much sharper and brighter the world looks, and being able to read signs at a distance is fabulous. Now maybe when I go into college on Wednesday I'll actually be able to read the whiteboard. Amother good thing is that before when I put my reading glasses on to look at the computer I was having to lean really close to the screen, but now I can actually reaed the screen at a distance. Probably you're all thinking 'well why not just take off the glasses?' but the weird thing was that when I wasn't wearing them the screen was too bright and if I tried to read it like that I'd end up straining my eyes. The reading glasses reduce the power of my contact lenses becaue I'm really short sighted but my up close vision is pretty much fine. The only downside to these new contact lenses is I think I'm going to need different glasses because they're much stronger than my old ones and I don't think the reading glasses reduce the power enough anymore. If I look at things close to without the right reading glasses my eyes actually start getting worse because they have to strain to refocus my eyes on close objects too much and it stops my distance focussing working as well. It's all very complicated and it's be so much easier if my eyes would just work properly in the first place. For those of you who know about these things my prescription for my glasses is -11 and my contact lenses are -9 because contact lenses don't have to be as strong as glasses to give you the same vision. For those of you who don't know how bad -11 is, once you reach -10 you get free eye tests on the NHS because your eyes are so bad!