I am so out of my element in Kindergarten.... it doesn't help that the teacher has very little structure set in place... I'm lost and confused and freaking out about it.
I haven't been sulking in my alone-ness. I haven't checked my phone every 2 hours hoping that I just didn't hear a text message or anything. I even decided to go out on my OWN to visit my friends
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Portfolio submitted! I still have to do one paper.... damn my procrastination... but it was PALES in comparison to the 8 hour long 24 page long (not including work samples which extends it about 6 or 7 more pages) portfolio de my teaching styles/theories/ect.
I am so mean to my 6th graders. The day before their thanksgiving break and I have 4 lessons planned (science, math, writing and history) along with a small group discussion. Yep. I'm a meanie.
I'm also tearing out all of my hair trying to get everything put together for tomorrow.
I was asking about the "doesn't 2/3rds of the CA congress have to approve the change?" I remember reading that in my HS government class
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