Things have been soo hectic lately! Lots of little updates...the big one being we got the puppy now! And this is what she looks like now that she's 6 weeks old
She is the new center of my world right next to Ben and Quinn. She's bringing out all of these motherly instincts in me, i.e. she has me waking up at 2 in the morning at the slightest thing. I remember last night, while dead asleep, I pulled out of it because I had a feeling she was going to get rolled over by Ben and just as I reached out and grabbed her, he rolled over. Strangeness!
The week before we got her, we were able to make a trip up to Bothell to visit Rebecca. She's staying with our friends Brian and Lindsey for the summer before she heads off to the CIA (Culinary Institute of America:)) It was just what Ben and I needed. We have such few friends here, we've done well making the ones we have, but it's so different from college when you see your friends all the time and you know everyone! Now all my friends are scattered around the Northwest and I hardly get to see them, let alone talk to them because life is so busy. Blarg to the real world!
Ben and I had another interesting homeless encounter. I'm getting so sick and tired of homeless people trying to bum from me while I'm loading my groceries into my car! It feels really invasive, like, feel free to ask me for money while I'm walking down the street, but don't come up to me while I'm at my car, it feels weird! Anyway, I think I said before that I have my tried and true general response when I'm asked for money "I'm sorry sir/ma'am". It's polite and it's way nicer than no. Well, this guy comes up to Ben while we're loading up our groceries and asks him for food (which by the way...seriously you want my frozen dinner? My raw chicken? Do you have a microwave?) and Ben says "Sorry, we just bought the necessities", trying to hint that we are poor too (LIE) and scraping by with only the necessities. So the homeless man see the two bottles of wine we bought, glares and walks away.:) I hope Ben uses my response from now on, because I think it's more kind and there's no reason to lie.
Oh! Ben and I decided we're going to Italy for Christmas! We're going to stay in Rome and go to Venice for a day trip! We bought some Italian books and software and we're trying to learn the language before we go. I've never been outside the country so this is a HUGE deal!
Anyway that's all for my random updates! I'm too tired for structured writing and proper segues:)