
Oct 04, 2005 13:33

Okay, just so everyone knows, this is *not* part of "Someone Else's Sky." It's just a snippet that snuck up on me and caught me by surprise a couple of nights ago. *grin* And yay, the 'verse seems to be catching on! *waves to helsinkibaby*

Pairing: surprisingly, a hint of Mal/Teyla

Summary: Mal makes a connection.

by Azar

"Hey, um..."

Teyla glanced up from her food, recognizing the voice as that of one of their new visitors, Captain Reynolds. He looked distinctly out of place and ill at ease in his surroundings, a feeling she could easily sympathize with.

"S'okay if I sit here?"

She smiled. "Of course, Captain Reynolds."

He returned the smile awkwardly and took a seat. "Mal. Everybody calls me Mal."

"And I am called Teyla."

"Pretty name."

"Thank you."

For a moment, silence stretched between them.

"So..." Mal cleared his throat. "Not to be nosy or nothing, but I hear tell around here that you're...well..."

"An alien?" Teyla asked with a sly smile. When he nodded, she continued. "So they tell me as well."

He nodded casually, though she could tell from the flash of confusion that crossed his face that he only partially understood what she meant. "Now, maybe this is just me being inexperienced and all, but from the stories I always thought aliens were supposed to have pointier ears or great big heads or somesuch."

"There are many variations," Teyla admitted, amused. "I suppose it is because I was born on Athos, though my ancestors were most likely from your world. I came to Atlantis because I believed this was our best hope for seeing the end of the Wraith, but this galaxy is my home. Most of the people here are from your Earth, so this makes me 'alien' to them."

He shook his head. "See, now that's just plain foolish-like."

Teyla frowned. "How do you mean?"

Mal shrugged. "Ain't none of my crew was born on Earth-that-Was; don't make us less than human. 'Verse's got enough problems without calling folks alien just 'cause of where they were born."

He flashed her a smile and Teyla was startled to find herself returning it whole-heartedly. Aside from Colonel Sheppard, no one on Atlantis had accepted her so easily, and even he considered her 'alien'. It warmed her, especially considering she had seen enough of Captain Reynolds to know how protective he was of his people, and distrustful of outsiders; Doctor McKay had almost gotten himself shot simply for criticizing the strange ship's petite mechanic.

"Thank you, Cap--Mal. That means a great deal to me."

The smile broadened into a grin. "So. Teyla. Tell me about this place, Athos, you come from."

"Only if you agree to tell me about your world in return," she teased.

For a moment Teyla regretted her words as something dark came into his eyes, but before she could apologize, he shook his head with grim determination.

"That ain't a story you wanna hear, darlin'. Weren't nothing left of Shadow by the time the Alliance got through. Only world I got now's Serenity."

"Then tell me about Serenity," Teyla prompted.

Mal's smile came back, the shadow in his eyes being replaced by fondness for his ship. "Now, that I can do."

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