Wow...what a week

Jul 27, 2008 23:39

Soooo....I have to say, a LOT has happened since my last post.  It's been a few crazy days, let me tell you.  But, for the most part, it's been a good kind of crazy.

I'll start with the biggest news...the most suprising news:  I'm engaged!
Yeah...I totally didn't expect it.  Crazy thing...Tim didn't exactly expect it either, lol.  We were able to spend a lot of time together week before last (the week of my last post) which was great.  We were just hanging out talking early Friday morning when he started acting different....and that's how it happened.  I'm giving the Reader's Digest version, but let me just say that I'm an idiot and it took me listening to him ask it 2 times before I realized he was for real!  I mean, we knew getting married was something we wanted to do, but I didn't expect him to officially ask so soon.  No complaints, though :)  Those of you still in the marriage pool since the engagement one is now, we haven't set any kind of date. Probably sometime next year...only God knows.  Thankful that He does, though.  I'm really happy...and the one I'm happy with is a direct gift from my Heavenly Father.  I'm so grateful He thought me deserving enough.

Anyway, a few hours after that happy news...I started feeling bad.  I felt like I was getting strep throat, because it was extremely hard to swallow, I felt feverish, and I had massive body aches.  This all hit me when Amber and I were at the Gavin DeGraw concert (I still managed to enjoy it, of course).  Saturday morning when I was bringing her back and going to the padres' for guard camp I felt awful.  I should've gone to a clinic here...but I didn't.  I unfortunately had to go to the ER instead.  I was given antibiotics.  It was rough...I had to teach flags and was getting ready to go to China and getting sick was NOT an option.  Thankfully, after a couple painful days, I cleared it and was able to teach camp.

Camp went really well I thought.  The girls worked really hard and have an extreme amount of potential.  Since I'm not going to be around at band camp, Joe hired a former Richlands guard member to come to flag camp and learn the routines so she could in turn be "me" at band camp. She's a cool chick and the girls like her, which means they'll work for her.  A couple struggled a little, but as long as they practice, they'll be fine.  I'm hopeful every year, but this year seriously has the potential to be the best ever.  The work is easier but appears more complicated.  They make it look more complicated and have bought into the Christmas theme.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the drill take shape and how awesome the show's gonna be.

Can you believe I leave for Beijing on Thursday?  I can't!  Well, I can...cause I'm really at the excited point now, but I can't, because summer seems to have zoomed by.  I'm so blessed to be going on this trip, but I can't help but be a little sad that once I'm back, there's no more summer to enjoy.  As of tonight, my summer's over.  I go to the school tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday to make up for the time I'll miss in China.  (So thankful my principal is working with me on that!)  Everything with the trip has *finally* fallen into place.  Still don't know every specific detail, but I have a calm about it now and am so looking forward to what God's gonna have us do.  Please pray for me and the hundreds of others ministering to the world during the Olympics.  I appreciate it.

I think the theme of this entry is thanks.  It's been quite a week...quite a few days, but I'm thankful I have someone I can rely on to get me through.  That same someone is going to be with me all the time.  After all, my favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9--"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Don't be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  I think for a time...when I was stressing about the trip and being sick and everything coming together...I forgot the power and comfort in that verse.  Thankfully (there's that word again), I have a wonderful fiance who's getting tight with God again who told me he felt like he had to give me a Bible verse, "Peace, be still."  That comes from when Jesus calms the storm...and in Mark's account, Jesus goes on to say to the disciples (and I'm paraphrasing), "Why were you so afraid?  Where has your faith gone?"  I'm gaining back that lack of fear for all the details and the stress, and getting back my trust that God is with me wherever I go.

Well, I do have to get up early to be at work at 8 (eep!).  Cuidense super bien!

P.D. (Spanish for P.S.)  Tim's letting me borrow his laptop in China because the apartment has wireless internet.  I'll do my best to update at least once while I'm there!
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