...I know...

Jul 16, 2008 15:27

So, I finally stopped my paid account.  I saw no point in spending money for icons I wasn't using enough.  I still have this though, of course.  I don't want to part with it (even though we all know my updating deficiencies).

Anyway, it's hard to believe that summer for me is pretty much done.  I have just a few days left this week, then next week is guard camp, then I have my 3 workdays at school and then yeah, July 31st is here and I am gone!  It's been busy...but a lot of fun and very enjoyable.  I suppose I'll just update what's been happening this month, with references to the summer as a whole.

I've spent quite a bit of time with the familia.  We had our annual 4th of July celebration and despite the rain, we all had a good time.  Then I had the reunion for my Dad's side and then we left for our family vacation.  The padres, myself, Linda, Amber, and Devin all went to Williamsburg for a few days.  It had been several years since I'd been there and I really had a good time.  We went to Busch Gardens twice, Water Country twice (but only once for me because I went shopping one of the days), Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown.  It was Devin's first time there and he really enjoyed it.  He's a history fan, so a lot of the things were good for him.  I loved Busch Gardens just as much as I always have.  The Griffon, the newest coaster, was amazing!  It honestly scared me at first....that's a good sign for a major rush.  Having your feet dangle for what seems an eternity looking at a *straight down* drop can be a rush for anyone I think!  We also ate at Captain George's, one of the best seafood places around.  We took advantage of the stuff offered by the resort, too. It had a mini golf course and that was great for Devin because he'd never played before.  Amber took advantage of the sauna because she was old enough to use it and I used the treadmill a couple times, which I thought was good for a vacation.  I really had my doubts...the 6 of us in the Silverado traveling for 8 hours there and 9 back (we took the James River ferry so we were away from the interstate), but we all had a good time :)  Only downside was that I didn't get to see Carla!

I guess it almost goes without saying that the novio and I have spent a lot of time together as well.  :)  I can't go into detail because I feel I'll just be gushing about how great he is and how wonderful it is together, and who wants to read that? hehe  Anyway, I can definitely say that I am just so, so thankful that God gave him to me and me to him.  The more time we are together it's like the more we figure out.  A lot of things from our friendship in the past and just who he and I are and have been as individuals have led to our relationship.  I understand why God told me to wait all these years.  I'd not have been able to enjoy it as much, and...I know now that I really wasn't ready to handle love and in love and everything that goes with those.  But, I am now :)  Oh...and for those of you in the engagement/wedding pool, keep waiting. ;)  hehe

My weight loss has hit a major zig zag, and it's all my own doing.  The appetite and eating habits of old have popped up, and it's been hard to suppress them, especially now that because I'm with Tim a lot, the tempation and the just occurance of eating out happen more often.  Yes, I can eat out on Weight Watchers, but it's so much easier to break over if I do a lot.  I'm getting better though.  Anyway, I have increased my physical activity and am in SO much better shape than I was a year ago...hell, two years ago or more.  I started this running program that gradually builds over a 12 week period.  Right now in a 30 minute period I walk 16 and run 14, splitting them up.  Eventually I hope to be able to run 30-45 straight.  I know I'll have to take a break from the program when I'm in Beijing (and WW pretty much, but I do not plan on going on some sesame chicken and rice bender) but I really like the way it makes me feel so I plan on sticking to it.  Who knows, I may try to run a race.  Don't know yet.  In other fitness news, the madre is now an owner of Wii Fit and I really like it!  There are so many different exercises and ways to improve balance and posture.  It's hard.  It's work.  But, it's also fun and a challenge.  Just wish I could do it more frequently.

So next week is guard camp which means this week is routine week.  I've gotten the two major pieces done with the standard flag.  I have a couple dance sequences to do, the double swing piece, and the "stick candy" (could never find anything for a candy cane, grr) part to one of the major pieces.  I'll get it together before Sunday, at least I hope.  Ah, I know I will.  Getting them done gets me excited and hopeful for the season.  It's gonna be a kick ass show and one the audience will enjoy because everyone around here knows Christmas.  It should be another winning season for the program.  I just hope my girls can get more 1st places.  But, placing and helping the band scores overall are what's important.

Am I ready for Beijing?  I'm getting there.  God has definitely provided and I should be good financially while I'm there.  That's a relief!  Tomorrow I plan on doing an inventory and prelimenary packing so I can purchase and tie up loose ends.  It's getting so close and a part of me feels great calm, and part of me feels nothing but organized chaos!  I'm not worried; God has called me to do this and I look forward to serving Him again in the presence of the world!  Plus, it's the Olympics, and you know me and the Olympics!

Speaking of sports...did you see Wimbledon?  Holy shit vamos Rafa!  I missed most of it because we were on the road to Williamsburg, but I got to see the last 3 games of the 5th set.  Wow....it was epic.  I worried Nadal wasn't going to pull it off, but he really persevered.  Fed played him tough, especially since he was down big time.  There is a part of me who doesn't want Fed to suffer a Borg sort of fall, but at the same time, it's time.  It's time for someone new.  And yeah, I was really happy for Venus.  She was my pick, especially after I saw Sharapova's outfit, lol.  At least it made those massive shoulders of hers look more narrow.

Well, I think that's it.  I do plan to update at least once more before I go to China.  I've been told we have Internet where we're staying, so if that's the case and it's accessible, I plan to update there too.  Thanks for reading...and definitely thanks for random comments just to check on me.  I appreciate it.  I'm still alive, and it's nice to know you all want to make sure and it's also nice to know y'all are alive too!

Cuidense super bien!
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