in the GC

Dec 23, 2004 17:55

Today has been such a relaxing day.  I've done nothing except lay on the futon in my PJs watching all the episodes of the Inferno.  Well, I also outlined my first two weeks of next semester and set my lesson plans for when we go back to school and called my hw hotline, so I was productive.  I accomplished what I came down here to accomplish.  Now, I'm not thinking about school until Jan. 2nd at least.

However, I may be going back to in to take classes instead of teaching the spring.  I'm still undecided on that.  Thus, I must research a little bit.  I know that Scott Co. is going to need ESL certified teachers.  If I can get them to pay part or all, I'm going back.  If not, I'm going to have to keep saving before I can start.  That's what I'm saving for go back to school.  I still want to travel though.  Badly...I've been to the Olympics, now there's Wimbledon and Westminster.  Then there's my whole dream of visiting every continent...and I only have 1 down (I'm not counting the one in which I live).  Oh well, a girl can dream.

Christmas Eve is tomorrow and that seems to be unbelievable.  I'll do my 2004 review if I can remember it.  It's been another incredible year for me.  Even though I can be so impatient with my own life, God has really blessed me and if the suprises so far have been this awesome, I can't even imagine how awesome the other things He has planned for me will be.

Moving on, I've been a little angry over the past couple days.  Bitter and cynical is probably more like it.  The whole bomber attack on the mess hall in Iraq has disturbed me because the 276th was involved and two are dead.  That's Jessi and Bobby's unit.  Jessi went to Iraq as a cook.  Whether they're injured or worse, it's horrible because these people are from our area and it's getting harder and harder to offer even a glimmer of support to what I see as an unjust conflict.  I say conflict cause remember folks, this ain't no war.  It's not been a "war" since last year.  If I keep going I may offend someone, so I'll stop.  But, if I find that Jessi or Bob were personally affected, who knows what my comments will be.  I've already shed tears just thinking about it, so I'm not.  I don't know why I mentioned it, it just popped into my head.  All that's been going on politically.  To quote an away message from a college pal, I'll be glad to be through with all the "Bushit."

Moving on again, I did have a good afternoon yesterday.  My Mom and I met Donna for lunch and to exchange presents.  I hadn't seen her since summer, so I hadn't given her the souvenirs from Greece.  We also "made plans" for me to come over to her house and show her all of my Greece/Romania stuff.  It really made me think about my trip.  I looked at my programs last's unbelievable how fast things have moved since then.  Anyways, a lot of people we mutually know are getting or have gotten married or advancing in their careers.  It's also unbelievable to think of how people have changed or transitioned in four, five years time.  In regard to the whole marriage thing, I'll be really okay until one particular person gets married...and I have a feeling he will be very soon.

Anyways, I need to go work out.  Besos!
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