blanca navidad...

Dec 20, 2004 16:34

I have to say that it feels SO great to know that I didn't have to work today! I've got a nice little vacation until January 3rd...hopefully I'll be ready to go back. A lot of people have asked me who was more excited for the break: me or the kids. Honestly, I think it was me. Especially after my Friday.

To explain Friday I have to go back to Thursday. That afternoon after school the teachers I eat lunch with went out to Pizza Hut in GC to meet with a woman who taught at the middle school last year. We had a good time, but...the waitress was new and slow and got our orders wrong and it took forever to get the food. One in my group complained a great deal, and rightfully so. Still, we got the food and it was the time. Thursday night I went to bed absolutely dying of thirst. I downed a Sprite and went to bed.

Well, I woke up 3 times during the night with my stomach hurting. When my alarm went off at 6:20, I knew I could no longer put off throwing up. So, I did...and felt a little better. However, after I got to school, I started feeling worse. By my planning I was so sick. To top it off, they had "dinner" for us in the lounge. I walked in looking for a straw and it took all I had to not just start gagging. So...I took a nausea pill. That calmed my stomach, but then I started getting chills. I still don't know how I made it through last block. But, I have to say my kids were extremely considerate. I don't know how I made it home either, but I did, and I fell on the bed and slept for about an hour. I woke up and felt I had slept about 40 hours. What made this so bad was that I needed to get to the padres' ASAP for the first of two Christmas parties. So, I packed up the junk I needed and the presents and headed home, feeling okay. The party was fun, but that night I got the chills again bad...However, when I woke up Saturday I felt fine, except I didn't eat much...not til last night. That's the by-product of sickness, the detest of food. Too bad that can't last.

Anyways, Saturday was fun. My Dad's side came over for Christmas. Found out my cousin is pregnant, so of course my aunts and cousins started asking me about my nonexistent love life. That has been the topic with a lot of people lately. Anyways, after that I went to the Youth group party and had a great time. However, times have definitely changed in that group. When I was in it, we all grew up together and we were all like brothers and sisters. That is *definitely* not the case now...haha. We did Chinese Christmas and for a good gift I got Twister (yay!) and for the bad gift I got an electronic nose picker...and they took pictures of me "trying it out." Hehe.

Yesterday was the church cantata. It was so pretty, but it was harder than usual. I loved singing "O Holy Night," though. I had an incredible experience with that song.

Today was a shopping day for me and the madre. I wound up with some new shoes finally...I didn't have money to buy any in the summer like usual. They're New Balances and I really, really love them. They're exactly the colors and style I wanted.

Well, I'm at the library helping out "the count" and my time is going to expire soon, so I must go. I wish you all peace, love, and basketball! :D
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