Oct 16, 2008 12:50
As predicted, all my blood tests came back fine. So, nothing particular to worry about, just the same old same old. *Shrugs* I know that's a good thing, because it means there's nothing else wrong with me, but at the same time if I had been anaemic or something they could have given me something to cure that and I'd have felt better. As it is, I just have to wait for my body to come around.
As for the melatonin, I've taken it for two nights now, and I do think it's helped me sleep a little better, when I wake up during the night I'm definitely not lying awake for as long as I used to before I drop off again. I'm feeling a little drowsy during the day with it though.
As for the headaches, they're about the same so far. I think a nice cup of tea and a sausage roll is called for right about now.
My life is so fricking rock and roll.