Nov 17, 2005 08:57
so i go out dancing with dustin last night. we were supposed to bring friends but mine had to study and we met his there. for a while we couldn't find his friends so he's like "fuck this shit- i'm here to dance!" so we go. and that boy can swing his partner. i was spinnin all over the place and doin the pretzel and we even walzted! the only problem is that on the fast songs a couple of girls got spun too far or their partners lost control or something- i don't know all i know is that a few too many stilletto heels got dragged across my big toe and the damn thing started bleeding all over the place. a few cowboy boots also stepped right on the knuckle of the same toe later. i iced the thing down and made an--almost--full recovery.. i was able to dance no problem but the bleeding wouldn't stop. dustin said if we had driven there in his blazer we could have taped it up with elecrtical tape haha.. and i would have too.. but we drove there in my little saturn that has everything in the back seat _but_ electrical tape... so when i get home i realize that the little strap of my shoe that goes over my big toe to keep the thing on.. it's putting weight on the bruised knuckle of my bleeding toe. so take my shoes off and hobble up three flights of stairs so i can get in better light to fix up my toe. when i get home and sit down to doctor the thing up- i find that the stilletto gashed my cuticle in two places and the boots left a puffy purple-ish bruise right across my knuckle. it looks damn nasty... but at least i got the bleeding to stop and we got "our money's worth" (haha it was free to get in) dancin the night away.