Nov 10, 2005 11:14
apparently all.. 2 of you people that actually read my lj.. are both displeased that i have not posted in a while...
tiffy made a request (more like a threat) that i post an excerpt from the coolest book ever: the official strategy guide to rock paper scissors (RPS) so here goes...
How to Meet Girls with RPS
'Imagine the great fun to be had in meetingmembers of the opposite sex using the principles learned in the surprise game strategy. A variation of this play will allow one to impress anyone (friends or strangers) with dazzling playing ability and skills. The best place for this is often a crowded bar where there are lots of other distractions about.
'First, scout the intended vicim just as you would do for the surprise game strategy. Then, before playing, find a group of patrons worth impressing. This works particularly well as an introduction to a group of females. Next, boast to the group about the quality of your RPS skills. In fact, they are so good that not only will you win the next game that you play, but you can tell them beforehand what the as-to-be-named opponent till play (Rock). Imagine the disbelief that will result from such a bold statement of claim! Once the daring prediction has been made to the group, go up to the victim and use the surprise game strategy, Remember to keep both hans in view so the audience can witness everything. With the ice successfylly brokem and the newfound friends duly impressed with your skills, remember the old magician's addage: "Never repeat a trick and never tell how it's done."
'If the temptaion to perform again is too strong, or if forced into a situation in which members of the audience see the trick twice, simply switch from teling them that the opponent will lose by playing Rock to telling them that a win will be achieved by playing Paper. Positioning the tactic in this way will shift the focus away from you delivering the same throw twice.
'known counterstrategies: Scissors.'