Update- Exams are finally over?!? Time to move on....

Jun 30, 2010 11:15

I asian-failed everything....and now, I must go to summer school to improve my studying....wow, this summer is going to be FUN >:(
But it's 4 hours of the day, 4 days of the week. Not too bad, but such inconvienient times! 3:15-5:15 and 6-8....
Plus piano, don't know when....starting to get annoyed with these lessons DX
In any case, need to list projects again for a better reminder on what to do....
-magician art
-Finish writing game summary...hope I can think of something in time...
- I have more.....but I feel so lazy right now.... 8(

In any case, I FINISHED TRANSLATONG KKM- Drama CD Yuuri and Wolfram~ I will go post later in community~~ Took sooooo long, but was worth it....hope it's accurate enough.
Will start on game! (Making and playing)
Finished watching Durarara, really good~
One more episode of FMA: Brotherhood left, can't wait! Much better then the other in my opinion.
Re-watching KKM, *sigh* want more novel translations...
Blog will be starting either this or next week!

Well, I'm off to watch Kurosagi, have not finished that drama~~

kyou kara maou, school, fullmetal alchemist, update, kkm, durarara

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