May 24, 2006 15:39
So I moved out last week!
Its actually really nice. Yeah I have had a few emotional turns to where I miss home but then again I don’t. It was all just right. I didn’t move out because of a bad situation, or because I had to or was forced into it by some un natural situation, it was all because I was ready and it was time.
Our place is actually really hot. It makes me happy. Really happy. Its an old 50’s building and it just reminds me of something old and happy gives me happy thoughts.
It took all day moving just like I DIDN’T want it to do. Which is very frustrating. I was all ready to go it was great.
But all in all it was a good day.
Me and Tanya got up and Ate some chick fil a and went to get all of our stuff ready for our new place. The box springs got stuck but oh well the girls saved the day and got it up there.
We threw a party that night.
Karol, Donavan, Tyler, Me, Amy, Robert and a few others that showed up but didn’t stay came too. There were people all over my living room. I Think the best part of all night was when we were in my room, smoking and listening to Sigur Ros we just lightly fell off to sleep.. But what I remember is looking at Robert for the first time when he is TRULY fucked up. It was just enlightening for me and his relationship. Its not that we didn’t have a great relationship to begin with.. It is just there is so much more understanding between us now. I miss him. I miss him a lot. I don’t feel sorry for him at all and with what has happened, I believe in him and I know that he can do what ever his heart dreams of. Im so glad that he came to visit me and got to go out for once in his life away from the wonderful Ctowm. Because it is a wonderful place to live and grow, but there is a time where it has nothing left to offer. Nothing but heartach, work, low pay, and low paid income. It is something that is lovely to visit but never to build your life.
OK enough about Ctown and on to our trup.
We were suppose to leave early the next day but somehow didn’t make it. Haha More than likely from all of the drinks we had… Good lord.
We spent over 150.00 its so funny!
OK so we went to eat lunch with my grandparents and then we were off for the 10 hour drive. It wasn’t bad at all it actually was a great ride. There was always some jokes flying around the car and something to talk about all of the time.
We got there and crashed.
The next day we were lazy, we sat around and watched movies which was good since we were movind around all over the place. Tyler slept till like 1 and then we played a few games and ate lunch when joy came home.
Sarah has gotten so very big. She is just beautiful. And she is more playful now and its funny, she tries so hard to actually say something and all that comes out is some little straight face nonsense. She gives you kisses now! Not real kisses but if you say give a kiss sarah she opens her mouth and leans onto your cheek where she proceeds to slobber on you. Some people might think that is grose and all but… It really isn’t. She just cant do it that’s all and it is amazing how she is growing and she has grown, and what she can do or cant do or tries to do. … Yeah.. I am a crazy Auntie!
Anyway, the next day we went to the mall and we took Sarah. It was fun. Joy and Bryan stayed home/work and we took off with the baby. Robert and tyler went there own way and me mom and sarah went ours. We shopped till we dropped. And Sarah was good. Really good. I got a really cute bathing suit and all but the next day was cold so we couldn’t go. Instead we just went out and walked on the beach and I got my nose pierced.
It didn’t hurt at all really. Just felt like a big ass bee sting. And done. All done.
Never hurt, never stung.
It was just something different to have. That I am in love with.
After that we took sarah home and left to go get Roberts Tattoo. It took forever, but it wasn’t boring. Watching all of the people come in and out of there was great and entertaining.
He got a great deal on it. It wasn’t suppose to be blacked in at all and he did it for him. The original one was way too small for his big body frame and stature, so they made it bigger and it only cost him 270.00 or around that. Which is actually REALLY GOOD for what he got.
Then … We came home and we all parted our separate ways.
Since then my car is in the shop and I am driving a rental car for about a week. It is a blue Dodge Neon and I really really like it.
BUT I so miss my little car. L
OK so I think I am going to invite Karol and Johnny over on Sat. It will be fun. Yeah.
If you didn’t come over on Monday you missed it, and It really makes me sad because I only invited people I cared to come. So im not going there anymore. Just show up or call me.