Feb 14, 2009 01:41

I went to see FT13th today, but sadly I was not impressed with the film.  Just a bunch of young people being mutilated by yet another reincarnation of Jason.  Not much plot to speak of, and no backstory, nothing.    Oh yes,  there were a couple of topless girls and guys doing toppy and bottomy things.

This is the type of horror flick that bores me.  I went to see the movie to support Jareds' acting career.

The character Clay, played by Jared, had minimal dialogue which was at best lame and uninspiring.   Not to mention his limited screen appearances which was frustrating.   The character Jared portrayed didn't even come across as particularly brave or heroic.  Which was a great pity as it would have made him more endearing and not so flat.    I was hopeful for more.   But unfortunately this film did not deliver.

Can't fault Jared's on screen presence though, he certainly looked delicious.

But for me MBV was by far the better film.  For plot, character portrayal, guest stars and acting.

Sorry to disappoint anyone. Just my opinion. 

jared, 13th, friday, jason

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