Feb 02, 2009 10:42

Hey friends or not,  this meme was snagged from bloodyrosered's lj.  It's a SPN questionnaire of sorts highlighting personal preferences on a subject we share a common interest in.   So, for those of us who enjoy answering random,  insignificant questions LOL, or are just plain bored give it a go... you'll like it.

Originally taken from

(some changes have occurred in the process of snagging, hehe)

Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles?
Jensen.  I guess he just does it more for me.

Dean or Sam? 
During the first season it was Sam.   He seemed more vulnerable and interesting.   However, later it became Dean and not because of Jensen.   I grew to enjoy his solemn and possessive character more.  He appeared to have more depth than Sam and a wicked sense of humour.

Season 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Best for me to date Seasons 1&2, (as a whole).

Meg or Ruby?
I think I have to say Meg, she had more 'action' in her.

Sam/Sarah or Sam/Jessica?
Sam and Sarah I guess.. Jessica was too short lived to have any impact.

Bobby or John Winchester?
I love John.  But Bobby always cames through for the boys, and he's had a huge part to play in their lives.  Which has made him so endearing.

Yellow Eyed Demon or Lillith?
YED for sure.   Fred played his part well and he is a fine actor.

Emo! Sam Or Emo! Dean?
Again I'd have to say Emo!Dean.   Don't get me wrong Sam is a fine actor, but Dean just seems to hit the nail on the head each time.  Just that little bit more emotion.

Shirtless Sam or Shirtless Dean?
This is a difficult one.  I gotta say Sam has the body of an Adonis.   He is slim built but with solidly toned muscle bulk.   Dean is heavier in stature so his muscles are just as toned, but in a much more subtle way.  I have to say either one coz they're both hunky.

Dressed to impress (suited) or dressed to kill (get your mind out of the gutter, I mean casuals)?
I love to see the boys in casuals, wide open necks and hoodies.  Boots and jeans.

Cassie or Lisa with Dean?
I think Cassie, they seemed to have more chemistry.

Jo or Ellen?
Ellen was awesome.  Jo was just too showy.

Ava or Andy?
Andy.  I loved poor, innocent Andy.

Demon Sam or Demon Dean?
Demon Dean is very creepy and totally hot.   Demon Sam to-date has not ruffled my feathers much, he's always been kind of a good demon.  But come to think of it possessed demon/Sam was the best.Yummy

Season 3 Ruby or Season 4 Ruby?
Season 3 Ruby!!!

Ben (The Kids Are Alright) or Michael (Something Wicked)?
Ben!!   But I loved Michaels wise cracks.

Castiel or not?

Do You have a favourite Episode?  Why?
I love som many of the epis can't really choose just one.  However, I love the pilot and WIAWSNB.

Which episode do you hate?

How do you see SPN ending, from Eric's perspective?
This is a difficult one.  I think Eric is leaning towards a biblical parallel for his boys.  I don't really like to speculate on this too much other than to say I think in his eyes he always saw the ending as a final acceptance of ones fate, maybe.   Dean is already dead, for all intents and purposes, but has been brought back (by a higher power) for the sole purpose of saving one Sam Winchester and the world from its fate.  Whether that happens or not is anyones guess.   I don't have a clue.

How would YOU like to see SPN end?
Again a difficult one because I wouldn't want it to end 'corny'.  It deserves a more intelligent finale.  The story arc is a difficult one, which keeps changing at a whim.  So anything is possible. 
 I feel Dean has always been resigned to his lifechoices (albeit not his own).  He fights for good because its what he knows and for family.
But as they say the good die young and maybe that's his fate, and I believe to a degree Dean realises that.   The tragic hero.  Sad but realistic.
On the other hand, Sam has a tendency towards self-satisfaction and self-worth and strives to fulfill his destiny and move on.  He is caught up in something beyond his control.  And so he will fight the good fight and win.   The strong hero.   Alive and well.

In the end life goes on,  we mourn, we cry and then we move on.  OMG I don't believe I said all this, I WANT A HAPPY ENDING FOR BOTH BOYS HOWEVER SOPPY THAT MAY BE.

What roles do you see the 'boys' playing in the future?
I'd like to see Jensen and Jared stay in the SciFi genre.   There are so many possibilities.

See,  told you it would be fun...LOL  xx

questionnaire, spn

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