Nonnie 01

Jul 01, 2010 22:47

Nonnie 01
Originally uploaded by serenada. I'm going to try and put pencil to paper more. This used to be me all the time. Sketchbooks and sketchbooks full. Of random people. People from real life, people from TV, from magazines. Faces and bodies.

This anonymous excitable lady represents my first use of a sketchbook that doesn't have anything to do with a dragonfly in three or four years at the very least. I stopped a long time ago. I should pick back up and see what it feels like. See if I have the bits to put back together.

I worked this one quickly--15 minutes with a soft pencil (3B) on a small 5"x5" sketchbook, and no erasing. I wanted to see if I could build up as I went along, and to just leave my initial shaping lines there to be seen. I'll probably work like that for a while before I get down to anything like trying to achieve something more than "face!" "body!"

I wonder how regular I can make this.

drawing, daily sketch

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