(no subject)

Jun 26, 2010 22:06

With my Nokia phone, I would get map.google.com text directions, add them to the notes of my appointments in iCal and synch them with the phone. Voila. Directions to destination.

Doesn't work like that with the almighty Android.

But I have a pretty browser! I could try that! Nah--just shows me the map, not the directions.

Today I realise I have a GPS app on my phone, as well as a Google maps app itself. The map app is very bad at telling where I am, but the GPS app is good within less than half a block. The woman's voice is a bit indistinct (I swear every turn she told me to take was left), but the graphics were very clear, and what I usually need to know is "how soon" is the turn or destination, and how will I know if I've past this. This will help. Cool beans.

Whenever I go anywhere new. Which is, like, never.

Though today it got me to a pair of cowboy boots and a floaty summery mini dress.

android, fashion, tech

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