i'm very happy that obama is president, and that most of the local races & initiatives went the way i wanted. some races around the country are too close to call, and i'd love to see darcy burner pull off the upset and al franken come out ahead after the recount, but it's hard to be upset with the overall results.
it's funny that obama does things like take virginia and indiana, and likely north carolina, yet pundits are falling over themselves to still try to declare this a 'center-right' country. tom brokaw justified that by saying mccain won the higher percentage of land mass... yeah. couple obama (the socialist's) win with democratic increases in both the house and senate, what would it take for them to declare otherwise?
along with the genuine wins, i'm also happy to partake in a bit of schadenfreude. thank you, senator lieberman, for all that you did this year to prove to the country that you're a consciousless dick. i doubt you're kicked out of the caucus, but fervently hope the dems have the balls to take away your committee chairmanship.
there's also the
impressive and ignorant way ralph nader decided to end his political career. on the very night of the election, he decides to casually toss out a racial slur and then pretend that it's okay. i give every credit to the FOX NEWS host for doing the right thing and calling nader out, but then also giving nader multiple chances to retract or apologize.
there is no honest way to believe that the results mean everything is sunshine and lollipops. as the onion
helpfully pointed out, there are quite a few challenges ahead, and no easy way to take care of any of them. that said, i finally feel like there are some people in charge who will handle it all in a reasonable manner. at the very least, they won't actively demonize those with whom they disagree, and will provide intellectual rigor to the possible solutions. i feel good about that.