Jan 06, 2025 21:41

"When we long to trust in God’s love, what we see
and sense around us so often seems to contradict
that love. We are caught between what is already
given and what is still to come. This space is not
always very comfortable. But when it opens out
towards a hope of fulfillment, then something
is set free within us."
Brother Matthew of Taize

This day is called Epiphany or in the East
Theophany is also used ...I think to approach
it with you here by an image
not so much from east or west* but of young
people walking forward to Taize in France ...
no doubt they are like us in that
some think of themselves as believers and some
as half- believers maybe in a hope,
but they are walking with a hope...
does our recent Christmas open out that hope
in us also as we see where we are on our road?
Might that be for us Epiphany?
*The themes of day in the eastern and westrn
churches diverge. In the Armenian church Epiphany
was included in Christmas which seems to have been
the beginning practice of what now discloses over
12 days.

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