As we come to 12fth Night we come with the three Mages of
Matthew's story to our goal in Nazareth. I spoke now with
Dr, Michael Allison planetary scientist ,and visionary I
would add. and he loves this day as one of the images of
the Christian and human call to be travelers... following in
the way of Jesus, and of the Exodus, and guided by the
stars and towards and to the stars as it may be in the time
to come and this journey is in its deepest sense that beyond
the world we have known into the depth of what God made in
the Reality seen as an invitation into Divinity...a journey
in the personal interior then as well as if it may be
outward in response to the call of Romans 8:19 that the
whole cosmos waits the opening out of humanity.
our images are of the stars and of the Dr Allison at the
Starfish Library of religion and space on his property in
Salem New York.