BREED: Poochyena
GENDER: ♀, Female
PERSONALITY: Iru is extremely mischievous, and likes to be, for lack of better words, 'the top dog' of Utau's pokémon. She spends a large majority of her time picking on and fighting with Eru, but usually in a playful way - usually. At least, if Eru was in trouble, Iru would get her act together and protect her. She has a keen dislike of Dia for stealing her spotlight but keeps that grudge mostly to herself and mumbling growls. She is extremely loyal to Utau and doesn't tend to stray for long periods of a time. She also hates to be ignored and demands constant attention, which after four years, she doesn't seem to get as much as she'd like.
HISTORY: Iru was given to Utau at the same time as Eru by her mother before she remarried, and was the last contact she's had with her before she was cut off altogether. Iru, along with Eru, was Utau's soul company as a child after she ended up in the care of a friend of her biological father at Veilstone, as her brother had left to find out where their biological father actually was. Iru was almost a reflection of Utau's determined, unwaveringly strong personality, and when Utau decided to try her hand at training when she was twelve, quickly grew stronger and more powerful. Iru proved to be exceptional for a Poochyena of her level and was fairly un-defeatable, perhaps a combination of Utau's will and cool-headed-ness in battle from her stage performances. Iru's shine was what showed promise in Utau's skills, and due to the marriage agreement her mother had had to make, Utau was drafted into Team Galatic against her will. Iru, regardless, always stood by her but sometimes seemed to snap at a member of Galatic's heels if they irritated her - perhaps since she, alike her trainer, was unkeen on the idea of being in Team Galatic. She one day snapped at Eru and this caused Eru to disappear for a period of time, allowing Iru to concentrate solely on performing well with Utau. But, despite her rash nature, saw the strain on Utau and soon came to realise that this path wasn't for her. After the battle that caused them to split from Team Galatic once and for all, Iru has been a lot happier and pleasant, though mischievous - lovingly mischievous - as always.
Poké!Iru is based off Utau's shugo chara, Iru.
BREED: Ralts
GENDER: ♀, Female
PERSONALITY: Eru is the opposite to Iru - kindhearted and serene, and always encouraging Utau via a presence rather than running around with a display of biting in Iru's case. She thrives on Utau's good natured personality which, whilst she was forced to be a part of Team Galatic, there wasn't much of. Eru is always attempting to be helpful, and after Utau seeing that Eru was indeed a good pokémon that was strong and not weak, has became more powerful and focused. She tends to take the brunt of Iru's playful misgivings. Eru doesn't mind spending periods of time alone, though tends to get saddened when she is, but she always ends up loyally coming back to Utau.
HISTORY: Eru was given to Utau at the same time as Iru by her mother before she remarried, and was the last contact she's had with her before she was cut off altogether. As a child, Iru and Eru were Utau's sole playmates after she was left in the care of a friend of her biological father, and her brother went to find said biological father. Eru was always enlightened when Utau sang and thrived on the positive energy inside of her. However, Eru had very poor defense, so after attempts to train her Utau eventually placed her aside in favour of Iru. Eru wasn't too bothered, but came to be ignored and her power slowly diminished, and as Utau began to hate her position in Team Galatic, her state got worse and worse. Eventually, after being provoked by Iru, Eru, not even being kept in her pokéball anymore, ran off. She always remained loyal to Utau and was often seen watching her from a distance. When the 'troublemaker' that was destroying the branch appeared to go to the area Utau was watching over as the boss, Eru went with them. She even joined in the battle to stop Iru from defeating the trainer, much to Utau's distaste. She eventually helped hold Utau off long enough for Utau to understand that she was wrong to do this, and she should leave Team Galatic now, and being defeated would be the perfect opportunity to leave. After events transpired, Eru returned to Utau willingly and has since been used more frequently, and her spirit makes her a valid partner in battle more than anything else, due to Utau's more positive feelings.
Poké!Eru is based off Utau's shugo chara, Eru. When I read about thriving off positive energy, Eru's representation just had to be Ralts.
BREED: Vulpix
GENDER: ♀, Female
PERSONALITY: Dia is extremely quiet, and usually takes what is given to her regardless of what it is. If Utau said to her fight, she'd fight. She usually stays on the sidelines of most situations and isn't the first to come running to Utau's aid, but that's usually to avoid the squabble between Iru and Eru. She is a level headed pokémon and tends to not rise to Iru's torments or snaps at her. When she performs, she excels due to her confidence and determined nature, though she gets tired fairly quickly. She does, on occasion, due to her strange aspect of free will, occasionally refuse to perform for Utau if Utau's heart isn't in the right place, in her opinion - such as with staying with Team Galatic, and Utau not being true to herself and trying to defeat the only person who could help her out.
HISTORY: When Utau first joined Team Galatic at her step-father's request, Iru was her main pokémon for fighting. However, Iru never quite cut the expectations of the Director, and Utau was told to find another pokémon or else she'd been thrown out. Frantic, Utau went searching for a suitable pokémon immediately. Route 214 was her destination, and the first pokémon she encountered fell to Iru. Eventually after Iru almost ran out of skills to use, she encountered a Vulpix. The Vulpix was reluctant to fight, and spent a lot of time studying her, and eventually ran as Iru was unable to defeat it. Baffled, Utau made to return to Veilstone to heal Iru, but the Vulpix appeared again just outside the gates, this time watching her. Utau asked if she wanted to join her, and the Vulpix nodded, seemingly nudging the pokéball out of her hand. After showing the Vulpix to her step-father, he approved of its fire like, strong personality and determination and she became Utau's pokémon of choice. She was soon nicknamed 'Dia' by Utau due to a diamond shape on her fur behind her ear. When Utau was sent to deal with a troublemaker in the branch, Dia turned against Utau and refused to fight, giving her the same expression as the day they met, but a more sorrowful one, almost as if she was disapproving of her actions - this is the first and only time she refused to obey, and Utau herself has put it down to the fact that Dia realised the person she was told to defeat was one of the only people who could save her from the branch of Team Galatic, and Utau herself didn't want to defeat them. As soon as she realised the error of her ways, Dia was soon back at her side again, almost as if praising her decision. Since, Dia always seemed mellow and impartial to Utau's actions, but as soon as Utau quit Team Galatic, she has became a lot happier and is more talkative than silent, as if happy with her decision.
Poké!Dia is based off Amu's shugo chara, Dia, who briefly defers to Utau when she becomes X!Dia.