I'd like to, in the spirit of the upcoming holiday season, do something. I'm a giver, I truly do believe in the entire message of giving rather than receiving. Holiday spirit on overdrive; anyone? That being said, I have a question for you members out there.
If you are a maker, would you be willing to donate graphics as secret gifts?
If you are a member, would you be interested in this?
If you are both, are you interested in both?
Hear me out, while it might sound a little weird. There is no need to purchase, no need to donate anything outside of graphics. This is purely just the good feeling of giving to others.
What will happen is that a list of those who wish to to be a part of this will be compiled in alphabetical order (by lj username). And then the graphics will be distributed as I go down the list. The makers will then be contacted with who they will be making for. Those who shall be receiving will get them probably via email.
And yes, while you'll be able to see what is being donated; you will ultimately not know who it is going to, so it still remains a secret! :D
Please let me know what you ultimately think, because if you all think I'm crazy for wanting to do this, say so.
MAKERS: Let me know what you'd like to donate. Regardless of saying so or not, you will be added to the list because I feel you deserve something in return for your donated time and talent. :)
EDIT: If you guys would like to help and promote this, I have decided to leave this entry public so that you can do just that. :) Thank you for all the support so far!
Jackie (
bubbly @
leaky_blinks) has graciously donated a button! THANK YOU JACKIE! :D
http://i34.tinypic.com/29ekr2b.gif" title="bubbly @ leaky_blinks; tubes are from Peximely & Completement" border="0">
jovi_diva; 10 icons, 5 icons/one colorbar and/or header.
bubbly; {5} 10 gallery blinkies.
moonladyblinks; {6} 10 gallery blinkies.
love_kate_walsh; {5} 5 gallery blinkies.
cuddlins; {5} 5 gallery blinkies, {2} 5 surprise blinkies.
yueshi; {2} 5 surprise blinkies.
skeletalembrace; {5} 5 gallery blinkies.
velociraptorx; {5} 5 gallery blinkies.
mysweetheaven; header & FO banner, 5 icons and a name banner.
catniprules; {5} 5 surprise blinkies or sig tags.
kara; {2} 5 icon sets.
silverobsession; 10 gallery blinkies, 10 surprise blinkies, and 5 sigtags.
hisescape; {10} 5 gallery blinkies.
findingjes; {2} 5 surprise blinkies.
ahhbao; {1} 10 p2bs, {3} 3 surprises.
pocketfuloflove; {5} 5 gallery blinkies, {2} 5 surprise blinkies.
lillylive; {3} 3 gallery blinkies, {1} Fairy Tales Collection Set, {3} FO Banners.
lovekel; {3} 5 gallery requests, {1} unlimited freebie gallery requests, {1} unlimited blinkie gallery requests.
kass102885; {3} 5 gallery blinkies.
x_metal_angel_x; {2} 5 gallery icons, {2} name/un banners.
sailorscout; {3} 5 surprise blinkies.
amour_douxx; {5} 5 gallery blinkies, {2} 5 surprise gallery blinkies.
simpleflower; {3} 5 gallery blinkies, {1} 3 month loved list pass.
melisah; {3} 5 gallery blinkies.
sj13forever; {3} 10 icons, {1} 5 icons + 1 header, {1} 5 surprise blinkies.
armyhearts; {5} 3 gallery blinkies.
teaamo; {3} 5 surprise blinkies, {1} 1 month loved list pass.
To be clear. There is no need to be a maker here. There is no need to be a member here. Anyone, no matter where they make or are a member of is welcome here. NOBODY SHALL BE TURNED AWAY. :D