Another Terrible Dream

Oct 07, 2013 10:26

Uh dream started with my hanging out with high school people, I really only remember Latasha being there and then some girls I would never choose to hang out with again (Patrice is the only one I remember) and then a male friend I brought. We were hanging out somewhere...I think first we were hanging out some Brooklyn Bridge looking thing and talking. Marta walks by and we all say hello but I just wave and that offends Marta, that I didn't give her a more friendly welcome and continues to walk down to the lower level of the area. I feel I should go after her but I don't.

We are next in a restaurant and basically everyone was just annoying me. Not on purpose but I just didn't wanna be there. I left with the intention to find Marta and make up for what happened. I go down the block and see someone that looks like her - she is wearing the same purple top Marta was wearing earlier- and get closer. I get close enough to see it's not her and I also see that I am randomly in the middle of Latino Gay Pride parade! Hahahaha

I follow some queens wearing pride colors and flowy things and everything is fun. Then I see people start running and I hear the screaming. Like a real black person I run before I see the thing that's scaring them, and I run into a random...well room that is just there in the middle of the road. When I get to the door I can here (or maybe the dream camera changed to show me) a man shooting people and muttering crazy shit about either his ex or maybe just gay ppl. I open the door but as I do an older woman tries to get in with me but she's moving sooooo slow. She finally get's in but she keeps trying to open the door to look or is talking too loud. I look through the mail slot and the guy is coming towards us! So SCARY. I pick up a wrench, like the kinf in cartoons that's bright red, and wait for him to open the door. As soon as he does I start bashing him on the head and the knee.

I wake up right after he falls to ground because my brother woke me up to say bye as he left for the airport


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