Scary Dream

Oct 03, 2013 07:57

Had a terrifying dream last night in which Matt had gone missing and no one would tell me why. I began searching for him around the city and talking to friends but no one could find him. I somehow learned that the reason he left was because Rachel, his current gf, had died and he couldn't deal with it. I was next on the subway after learning this and I was just sitting there feeling like shit. I had my eyes closed and was crying quietly on the train.

I look up at one point and I see Matt just next to me and I start weeping like a child and I slowly start to grab for him with both hands. He turned toward me and I could see his eyes and face were red and swollen from crying and he just looked like all around shit. I grabbed on to him and just cried into his shirt or arm like an anime girl and I think eventually he either patted me on the head or gave me a little smile.
It was scary and real


had another dream set in school (Banneker) where there was a DDR machine in one of the staircases and I kept trying to get ppl to come play with me


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