ficlet: curly dimpled lunatics

Mar 07, 2009 09:56

hey, um, somehow, i wrote 270 words of merlin and arthur as, respectively, two and a half and four and a half? IDEK. but, here it is for you guys!

title: curly dimpled lunatics
rating: g
pairing: merlin/arthur preslash, if you squint really, really, really hard
summary: it wasn't his fault that he had tried to take merlin's toy. merlin had be making faces at him. but, it was certainly a shock when merlin started hitting him.
word count: 273
disclaimer: not mine, don't sue. (OMG, YOU GUYS, IT'S NOT RPS, SO I'M NOT GOING TO SPECIAL HELL FOR IT! YAY!)
an: first word by ssa_fanfic inspired me to write this, and you all should read it! un-beta'd, insane, my first actual merlin fanfic. (OH THE SHAME, considering i have like six rpf ones.) hope i didn't butcher characterizations.

title from a quote by ralph waldo emerson.

Arthur wasn't sure what had happened, but one moment he was taking his toy away from Merlin, and the next, something hard was slamming into his leg. He looked down, and saw a toy sword smashing into his leg, over and over again.

He was a big boy, he didn't cry, he just screamed "HUUNNIITTHH," until she came running over, looking distressed. She saw what was happening, and immediately snatched the toy away from Merlin and picked him up, scolding. He saw, though his eyes were blurry with something that was not tears, Merlin getting to cuddle, and retaliated, screaming, "Mine!" That was his cuddle, not Merlin's. Merlin had hit him.

Hunith glanced down and sighed, saying, "Yes, dear, I'll give you a hug in just a second. Merlin here gets a time-out, though, because we don't hit people."

"Prat!" Merlin shouted from the time-out corner, and refused to sit down. "Prat prat prat prat prat!" he screamed, stomping his feet. "Took my toy! Prat."

"Arthur," Hunith asked sternly, "did you take Merlin's toy?"

Arthur knew that taking toys was a no-no, but Merlin had been making faces at him, and that wasn't okay, because he was the prince and also amazing. "He hit me," he answered, with something that was not a pout, really.

"I know that, Arthur, and he got a time-out. But, you can't take people's toys. It's not okay, sweetie."

Not believing her, because it was okay if it was Merlin, because they should be his toys anyway, he scowled. To Merlin, he said, "One day, I'm gonna be a king, and 'm gonna put you in da stocks."

arthur, fanfic, love, merlin/arthur, merlin

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