Jun 22, 2009 21:29


also, i'm sorry i've been dead for a while. i am kind of failing at commenting, but that is just because i suck. i will get better, i swear! and my school is totally over, so i have lots of internet time. YAY.

and all of you are the loveliest people ever, and your entries are the bright spots of my days. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME.

on to the fic!

title: your heart doesn't do me any good in arizona
rating: uh, pg? pg-13, because of nate?
words: 900
summary: parker has a crush, or so sophie says. somehow, eliot gets involved.
pairing: parker/hardison
disclaimer: not mine. very very tragic but true.
notes: there may be hardison's pov at some point. i had a few hundred words, but i got bored. sorry!

Parker was pretty sure she was allergic to Hardison. Whenever she was around him, she found herself feeling weird and fluttery, and she kept blushing. Even worse, she kept getting distracted by random things, like his smile or his muscles. It was odd.

So she approaches Nate, to request medical leave or get Hardison to change the products he was using or something. But when she describes her symptoms, he doesn't react like she expects him to.

Instead of giving her prescription drugs, or something, he just stares morosely into his drink and mutters, "Jesus, I didn't plan on being a middle school teacher. I am not drunk enough for this."

Sophia, sitting next to him, looks like she agrees, for once.


In the middle of Eliot's hockey game (Parker was very considerate, and waited for a commercial break), Parker pops in through his window.

She's very confused by his screams. She'd even knocked, like Hardison taught her to last week.

When he'd calmed down a bit, and put on a pair of pants (he insisted, though Parker didn't see the point), she explains, "Sophie says I have a crush on Hardison. I don't particularly see why, because I don't feel like crushing anything more than usual, but Nate agrees. And Sophie says that to show him my crush, I should give him something he likes."

Eliot looks pained. Parker wonders if he had a crush too, if looking like you want to stab yourself was a symptom that Sophie hadn't told her about.

"Parker," Eliot says, "as much as I didn't ever, ever need to know that, I'm more concerned as too why you thought you should vault into my bedroom through the window on one of our rare days off to tell me that. I am a person who hurts other people for a living. I am not a person who cares, or wants to know, about your feelings."

"I know that. But I need to steal the newest supercomputer from the military, and I want your help."

"From the military? Why? Why do you want me to help?"

"Yes, the military. It's not that hard. I need it because Hardison was talking about it during the last job, and they're not going to release it to the public, and he can't steal physical things. And I need your help because, a) there's a lot of people who could hypothetically kill me there, and b) it's no fun working alone anymore. Besides, Nate and Sophie refused, and they were giving each other those weird sexual tension filled looks, and I wanted to get away from them."

"Fine. God, anything, really, just stop talking."

Parker thinks that went rather well, all things considered.


The job goes perfectly. Eliot only has to knock out four extra people, and they only go down to Plan D (Plan P is the first one that involves one of them dying, though Plan L has Parker getting maimed), and Parker's surprised at how wrong it all feels.

It takes hours, until she and Eliot are gorging themselves at the local McDonald's, Eliot's after-job ritual, to figure out why. Parker misses Hardison. Not his hacking - Parker could have broken into the building when she was ten, and probably had during a boring summer vacation or something, but just him. His jokes, and his impatient answers, and the way he hums video game theme songs when he thinks no one's listening. It's odd.

But now she has the computer in her bag, and she'll give it to him tomorrow, and then - something will happen. Sophie wasn't totally explanatory on what, but Parker was pretty sure it would be good, and possibly involve nakedness.


Parker was going to wake Hardison up to give it to him, but Sophie wouldn't let her. So instead, she waits on the table, next to his coffee maker, with the computer on her lap.

Hardison screams when he sees her, but Parker's getting more used to that. So she just smiles, and tells him, "This is for you."

"A computer?" he asks, but then he really looks at it. "God, is this - ?"

Parker answers, "Yeah. It's that weird military one you wanted. Hope you like it."

Hardison's still staring at her as she leaves through the window. The computer's sitting on the table, untouched.


A few days later, Parker's the one who gets a surprise. Hardison's in the office when she enters, surrounded by several briefcases full of money. Fresh, real money.

After she smells enough of the bills to make sure, she turns to Hardison. "Where'd you get this?" she asks, curious.

Hardison blushes, and answers, "It's yours, actually. It seems the military was pretty proud of that computer, and really didn't want me to share it with the world. Enough to part with a lot of money."

Parker hasn't seen that much cash since the container from Iraq, and she was feeling slightly overwhelmed. It feels sort of wrong, though. "But you wanted that computer. That's why I stole it, Sophie told me too."

Looking down, Hardison smiles. "N'aw," he explains. "Money's what you like, so it's all good."

Parker grabs his hand, pulls him closer to her. His arms go around her waist, hesitatingly, like he's not quite sure what happens next.

But that's okay, because Parker doesn't really, either. And she's pretty sure they can figure it out together.

~ end

parker stabs people with forks, leverage, hardison/parker, fanfic, fic

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