Title: Imaging The X-Men
Author: Jane St Clair /
3jane Fandom: X-Books
Characters/Pairings: Original five, Generation X, Alpha Flight, Excalibur
Warnings: Nudity
Why this must be read/seen: I seem to be recing mostly 'classic; fanworks this month. Well continuing in that vein-- this is somewhere between fic and fanart. Imaging the X-Men is a collection of photographs of alpha mutants, presented with the fictional artist's notes. It's an unusual, and affecting fanwork. Jane posted Imaging The X-Men in 2003 and I've come back to it many times over the years. The pictures are uniformly lovely, well-chosen and skillfully reframed as the members of the X-Men and their extended family. There's also a great untold story operating in the background, of the photographer and the genesis of the collection itself.
The artist introduces the collection like this:
I wanted to photograph alpha mutants nude or semi-nude for several reasons. First, to express that mutations are not inherently monstrous. With this in mind, I would have preferred to photograph mutants with radical physical mutations, but all those I contacted declined to pose for me, and I respect their reasons for doing so. Second, to express the state of mind that mutation creates. Most alpha-level mutants are accustomed to think of their bodies as essentially treacherous -- mutation, which occurs at the genetic level, is a phenomenon of the body. Exposing physical beauty is a startling act, then, for both the subject as well as the audience. Third, to capture the personalities of people who are, to all intents and purposes, cut off from public life. Most people never encounter an alpha-level mutant. I would like everyone to do so.
The people here pictured live in three different countries and operate as part of six autonomous teams in various levels of communication with one another. All operate with the primary goal of protecting the public from acts of terrorism and natural disasters. In doing so, they put themselves in extreme physical danger. All those I photographed were injured at some point during the three years of my project.
The majority of these pictures were taken in or near the subjects' homes. A few were taken elsewhere. I want to thank all those who worked with me, but especially the first, who knows who he is, and whose willingness paved the way for my work with others.
- Marie Suzanne Sinclair
Imaging The X-Men