Watchmen: Mr Fixter by hydr0phobia (NSFW)

Feb 20, 2010 13:41

Title: Mr Fixter
Author: hydr0phobia
Fandom: Watchmen
Characters/Pairings: Dan/Adrian
Length: 1150
Warnings: None
Spoilers: The movie

Why this must be read: This was the first Watchmen fic I ever read, and it has a certain pure something that has kept it firmly in my favourites. Dan and Adrian are both beautifully and economically characterised, and it embodies all the poignancy and sadness and feeling of missed opportunities that I love about this ship.

Adrian is pointing out the tiniest of gears with a pair of tweezers. "The same mechanism that allows you to trace thermal signatures only needs slight alterations," he says, "to lock onto unique signatures. That would be something, would it not? Being able to identify people at a glance. Ah, and unless I have been improperly informed, you already have an extensive database on friend and foe alike; that must be useful, imagine being able to access that data anywhere...

"Oh," he says. "It must also be useful to see properly."

He smiles and stands. "New lenses, perhaps," he says. "Would you like a drink?"

(Of course Dan says yes. Rorschach never hesitates to inform Dan that his politeness is, at times, crippling.)

Mr Fixter

watchmen, fic

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