Title: Memories of Love's Refrain
Characters: Tony, Steve
Rating: G
Length: 900
Author: Muccamukk
Why this must be read/seen: Ever since Civil War, people have wondered if Tony can apologize, will apologize, should apologize, for what he did, for what he didn't do, for things he did wrong, or maybe didn't. Muccamukk, here, goes back and examines another time Tony took a decision that changed the whole world, the time he wiped his secret identity from the memories of the world. It's a time when he believed he made the right decision, but he regretted hurting the people he loves. Muccamukk takes a look at how that action would have affected Steve and Tony's relationship if they'd been lovers, how Tony can apologize for making his lover forget him, and it's sweet but still a little painful, more so in light of how you know they end up in canon. It strikes a lovely balance between angst and fluff, neither one overwhelming.
Excerpt: He felt Steve's lips against his hair, while his other hand ran up and down Tony's back. "I meant what I said when I told you that I understood. I do. It's just..." he stopped, pressing his face into Tony's hair.
"What?" Tony asked, even though he really didn't want to know. Even though he knew already.
When Steve continued, his words were muffled, but every one went straight to Tony's heart. "You made me forget this." He sounded small and utterly bewildered just then.
Tony wrapped his arms more tightly around Steve, pulling them hard against each other. "I didn't mean to," he said. God, they both sounded like they were five about now. Not that Tony knew many five-year-olds.
"Sure you did," Steve whispered, an edge of frustration in his voice again.
Memories of Love's Refrain