So Many Things I Need To Do

Jun 26, 2007 02:41

There are so many things I need to do but either don't have the time or the energy in which to do them...

In RL I need to get to the bank to deposit a check so that remodeling of the upstairs can begin before the baby gets here. I need to make a dentist appointment for both my husband and myself. I need to make an appointment for a checkup for my daughter. I need to get my house cleaned and organized, which is something I attempt to do every day but by the end of the day not much seems to get done. I need to get my dog to the vet, which will get done on Friday at least. I need to dig out my maternity clothes as my normal clothes are becoming quite uncomfortable to wear. I need to get my hair done but my normal hairdresser, who I've gone to for 20 years, has retired and I'm a little freaked out about trying someone new so I've been putting that off. I need to get most of my Christmas shopping done because the baby is due in December and I have a feeling that if I don't get it done now, it won't get done at all.

On the pregnancy front, I've come to the conclusion that I just can't have a normal pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my daughter my gallbladder kicked the bucket and had to be removed 6 weeks after she was born. This time around I seem to have developed a fibroid, which could impede the way the baby is born if it gets in the way of the birth canal. The only good thing about it (if there can be a good thing) is that I've been getting plenty of ultrasounds. The doctors want to keep track of it's size but for me, it means getting extra ultrasound pictures. At the next ultrasound we will hopefully find out if we're having a boy or girl. That will make shopping much easier! The morning sickness is gone but the tiredness is most decidedly not! And the headaches... I'm normally on allergy medicine this time of year but right now, I'm not allowed to take it. The allergic rhinitis is killing me I tell you! The pain in my eyes and forehead due to the swelling in my nasal cavities is awful and usually a couple of days on Allegra and Nasonex takes care of it. Now I'm reduced to Tylenol (which has never helped with my headaches) and Sudafed. Sudafed is not an allergy medicine so really doesn't do much to help. What does help is to lay down with an ice pack on my eyes and forehead. In fact, my husband just ordered me a sinus cold mask. It's like a cold pack that is shaped to fit perfectly over the eyes and forehead and I can hardly wait for it to get here. Right now I'm using an ice pack that you would put into a cooler. It's not soft and is too cold right out of the freezer. I can't get it to stay on my head and for the first hour or so, it's too cold to just lay it on there for any length of time. This sinus mask looks like it will do the job perfectly.

I know I seem to complain about this pregnancy a lot but I am excited. It's just been a lot harder this time around than with my daughter. I didn't have morning sickness last time and while I was tired, I certainly wasn't this tired. That could be due to the fact that last time, if I was tired I could just lay down for a nap anytime I wanted. I can't do that this time because I have a 5 year old to look after. Also, I'm a lot older and maybe that has something to do with it. But I am excited and I'm looking forward to the remodeling so that I can set up the baby's room. Oh, and I've begun to feel movement!! That has helped to stop some of the worrying at least, because until I start to feel movement I worry, even with all the extra ultrasounds this time around. And I know... if I'm so tired why am I still up so late? Firstly because I allowed myself a little bit of caffeine this evening hoping it would help with my ever present headache (and it did a little) so now I'm a little wired. Secondly I started reading a excellent threesome fic (H/S/D) by ravenna_c_tan called Between Boy and Man that I just had to finish. Then I had to run over and add it to my rec list so that I wouldn't forget about doing so later.

In fandom one of the things I need to do is to get all the fics from thesnarry_games added to my master rec list plus a few other fics that I've recced in journal entries. And now reversathon and pimp__my_3some stories are being unveiled and I know I'm just going to be hopelessly behind! I really want my rec list to be updated before book 7 comes out. That way I'm all caught up before post DH fics start being published.

I'm starting to come down from my caffeine high and must get to sleep or I'll be dragging my ass tomorrow, which will mean that not much cleaning or organizing will get done. It's a vicious cycle I tell you...

so many things i need to do

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