Art Will Break the Dam

May 22, 2007 15:40

To be without the slightest subject for a book,
is to find yourself, once again, before a book.
A vast emptiness,  a possible book-
before something like living,
 naked writing,
like something terrible, terrible to overcome.

Art can be defined as the moans of a language freeing itself from its symbols, rebelling against the systems that keep the old way intact.

It is an important job, indeed. There are those of us who are in charge of bringing order to the system, and those of us who are in charge of examining the condition of that system.

A fully trained artisan has been exiled from a community, tied to a tree, exposed. He/she has transcended beyond gender, but for the sake of simplicity-we will refer to an artist as 'he' for now.

He has challenged the order of his surroundings, he has fought to create his reflections anyway. He has fought to understand the brilliant things that he sees. He learns to manipulate his small truths, and to mute out the crowd of No.

He studies patterns and relationships. He has the ability to see one and two as the same. The individual and the society are both respected and considered.

This is macro intelligence.

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