drabble123: [jeanne/roger] Jeanne D'arc (#o5 - endearments)

Nov 07, 2007 00:01

Title: Attraction
Author: septem_librae
Fandom: Jeanne D'arc
Pairing: Jeanne x Roger
Table: Romance
Prompt: #o5 - endearments
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Her lively constitution compared to his somber and silent one; it attracted him.
Notes: Set around three months after Roger’s arrival. I am the unabashed queen of bad titles. As usual, I don't own it, etc etc etc.

His eyes always lingered just a moment more, his voice always hung on the last syllable a second more, and he didn’t know why.

Perhaps it was to kindle something inside his silent mind, the way the moth heads towards light it can never make.

She was filled with emotion, never shy nor calm about her intentions.

Many men said such traits would be troublesome for a wife, but Roger, who did not know if he regarded her that way - and he didn’t know how he would know - merely enjoyed her presence for it made his day a little brighter.

jeanne/roger, drabble 123 romance!table, jeanne d'arc, drabble, drabble123

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